Extracted in April 2014. Provides lump sum budget information for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015. Budget Hierarchy Information: The budget hierarchy at a given point-in-time represents the structure by which the District is implementing its academic plans.
FIELDS: FUNCTION_CLASS - Code identifying the function class. FUNCTION_CLASS_NAME - Description of the function class of the budget. This is the highest distinct category for the budget. FUNCTION_GROUP- Code identifying the function group. FUNCTION_GROUP_NAME - Description of the function group of the budget. This is the next highest distinct category for the budget. FUNCTION- Code identifying the function. FUNCTION_NAME - Description of the function of the budget. This is the next highest distinct category for the budget. ACTIVITY - Code identifying the budget activity. ACTIVITY_NAME - Description of the activity type. -- Current Fiscal Year 2014 Estimates through to June 30th, 2014: OPERATING_CYEST_LUMPSUM_AMT - Amount of budget from operating funds. GRANT_CYEST_LUMPSUM_AMT - Amount of budget from grant funds. CAPITAL_CYEST_LUMPSUM_AMT - Amount of budget from capital funds. OTHER_CYEST_LUMPSUM_AMT - Amount of budget from other funds. TOTAL_CYEST_LUMPSUM_AMT - The total budget. -- Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2015 OPERATING_ACT_LUMPSUM_AMT - Amount of budget from operating funds. GRANT_ACT_LUMPSUM_AMT - Amount of budget from grant funds. CAPITAL_ACT_LUMPSUM_AMT - Amount of budget from capital funds. OTHER_ACT_LUMPSUM_AMT - Amount of budget from other funds. TOTAL_ACT_LUMPSUM_AMT - The total budget. RUN_DATE - The date the data was extracted from SDP data systems.
추가 정보
필드 | 값 |
마지막으로 업데이트된 데이터 | 2014년 5월 3일 |
마지막으로 업데이트된 메타데이터 | 2014년 5월 3일 |
생성됨 | 2014년 5월 3일 |
포맷 | CSV |
라이센스 | Other (Open) |
Has views | True |
Hash | ab7c9d58d1d9e082811bf9531e6cff023253d09c |
Id | 715087ff-d9df-4187-bca2-3114d5a3599b |
Mimetype | text/csv |
On same domain | True |
Package id | 928481b0-5f95-46dc-bee1-1871afcac035 |
Resource type | file.upload |
Size | 91 KiB |
State | active |
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