This set of data was extracted in April of 2014, and includes information about expenditures during the 2014 fiscal year. Every total vendor expenditure greater than $50,0000 is listed. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, or would like to request other data sets. Happy data diving! [email protected]
expenditure_information.csv Provides basic information on every total vendor expenditure greater than $50,000 of the School District of Philadelphia. * VENDOR_NUMBER - Identifier for the vendor. * VENDOR_NAME - The name of the vendor. * ACTIVITY - Code identifying the expenditure activity. * ACTIVITY_NAME - Description of the activity type; for example, Payments to charter school, Maintenance, Food Service, etc. * OPERATING_EXP_AMT - Amount of expenditure from Operating fund. * GRANT_EXP_AMT - Amount of expenditure from grants. * CAPITAL_EXP_AMT - Amount of expenditure from Capital fund. * OTHER_EXP_AMT - Amount of expenditure from other funds. * TOTAL_EXP_AMT - The total expenditure. * RUN_DATE - The date the data was extracted from SDP data systems.
추가 정보
필드 | 값 |
마지막으로 업데이트된 데이터 | 2014년 5월 3일 |
마지막으로 업데이트된 메타데이터 | 2014년 5월 3일 |
생성됨 | 2014년 5월 3일 |
포맷 | CSV |
라이센스 | Other (Public Domain) |
Has views | True |
Hash | 5312f010fd1421eecbab14e9792e5b1e54e49603 |
Id | 49084cb5-8122-41be-8344-d1b71ccffcbd |
Mimetype | text/csv |
On same domain | True |
Package id | 21c42f0b-e81d-4723-9888-487bc2ebb8c0 |
Resource type | file |
Size | 146 KiB |
State | active |
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