City of Alameda, CA-Building Permits -...CSV
Inspection history for building permits in Alameda, CA (updates every hour)....
City of Alameda, CA-Building Permits -...CSV
City of Alameda, CA-Building Permits - ContractorsCSV
Contractors associated with building permits in Alameda, CA (updates daily)....
City of Alameda, CA-Building Permits - ContractorsCSV
City of Alameda, CA-Public WorksCSV
All public works records for the City of Alameda, CA
City of Alameda, CA-Public WorksCSV
City of Alameda, CA-PlanningCSV
All planning records for the City of Alameda, CA
City of Alameda, CA-PlanningCSV
City of Alameda, CA-FireCSV
All fire records for the City of Alameda, CA
City of Alameda, CA-FireCSV
All fire records for the City of Alameda, CA
City of Alameda, CA-FireCSV
City of Alameda, CA-Building PermitsCSV
Building permits in Alameda, CA (updates daily)
City of Alameda, CA-Building PermitsCSV
City of Alameda, CA-Building Permits - Status HistoryCSV
Status history for building permits in Alameda, CA (updates daily). Data...
City of Alameda, CA-Building Permits - Status HistoryCSV
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